Things to do in Rotterdam
This is the second time I’ve been to Rotterdam, once with two legs, once with one. Either way, it’s just as easy to get around as an amputee.

I highly recommend heading straight to Zwann Bikes, it’s a one-minute walk from Rotterdam central station and there you can choose your mode of transport. Bikes, eBikes, scooters, bucket bikes. They have the lot and they’re incredibly cheap to hire.

Rotterdam has the very best cycle path system I’ve ever seen, with easy-to-follow red lanes. Trams do buzz past every so often, but it doesn’t feel busy and you could always opt for a tricycle or bucket bike if you’re worried about wobbling into traffic. I chose a bucket bike when I was ten. I have no clue why. I had two legs and could ride a bike perfectly, but here I am seeing the sites of Rotterdam in the most laid back of fashions.
Everywhere is within pedalling distance and I highly recommend…
The Cube Houses, conceived and constructed by architect Piet Blom in the 1970s in an attempt to solve the dilemma of building houses on top of a pedestrian bridge.

By Mi and Es, the most gorgeous coffee shop with the most gorgeous breakfasts.

The Natural History Museum where the highlight is definitely the whale’s penis. My brother didn’t want a picture with it this year, so here he is the last time we visited.

Stroopwafels are everywhere but I recommend heading to Didi’s for the most delicious ones.
The Erasmus Bridge is amazing to cycle over and impressive to stand and admire.
You’ll stumble across many beautiful parks on your cycles, so I’d advise no strict itinerary when you travel to Rotterdam. Simply get on your bike and see where your journey takes you.