If you are fortunate enough to be selected for Coco Rocha’s Model Camp in New York as I was earlier this year, you’ll learn the secret of the 100 list. Obviously I can’t share that secret with you all, but I can confirm, categorically, that the 100 list absolutely does work!

Okay, I’ll give you a tiny insight into part of it… Coco Rocha instructed all of us models to reach out to our local communities as a way of building links in the modelling world. As an A star student I did exactly that and contacted The Birmingham Fashion Council. They said I’d be perfect for fashion week and our connection was made. Coco was right.
Birmingham Fashion Week 2024 is from 25th -27th October, so the first campaign involved creating a video to advertise the event. We filmed in Birmingham City Centre, here’s some BTS footage that gives a flavour of the day:
Again with all successful events it’s all about promo promo promo. So this weekend we met some of the designers who’ll be showcasing their designs on the runway and modelled their clothes for the campaign.
The day was shot by the incredible photographer Beth Pulley. Here’s some highlights:
And thank you to Coco for introducing me to the magical 100 list!