What it’s really like
Back in January I was signed to the modelling agency Zebedee Talent. Since then I’ve had so much fun filming self tapes, going on shoots and experiencing what life’s really like as a model so I thought I’d share a few things with anyone wanting to get into the industry.

Firstly you need to get the hang of doing an ident. It’s an introduction to who you are that has to appear at the start of every self tape. You must turn your head both ways and show your hands, weird I know, but that’s just what an ident is. It’s meant to be filmed against a white wall, but because it always has to be filmed in landscape, and because I always have to show off my leg, you end up seeing my messy kitchen in the background – note to self, check the surroundings first!
You’ll then recite whatever lines you’ve been asked to learn, or show whatever skill you’ve been asked to perform. I’ve had to film self tapes for a gymnastics commercial, a dance show, a sprinter in a campaign… all of which I can’t do, but if you’re at the stage where you’re being asked to film a self tape then the casting director already knows your basic stats… in my case they’ll already know I have one leg, yet they’re still hoping I can flip on a beam and do some hiphop. I can’t and I didn’t get those jobs.
I can’t and I didn’t get those jobs.
In fact the ratio of self tapes you have to film compared to the jobs you’re eventually cast for is crazy, but do try your very best to complete every single request because it’s an honour to get to the stage where you’re even in the running for things.
Once you do get cast, the fun really begins. On set there’s always food and drink and it’s often around the refreshments table where you’ll meet the other models on the shoot. There’ll be someone with a shoot schedule telling you when to go to hair, makeup and wardrobe… and basically you’re totally in their hands with zero say in how you end up looking.
Thankfully most of the time you look really cool.

…and the times that you don’t, you simply have to remember you’ve been paid!
There’s also the wait for the images to be released. Often campaigns are scheduled months in advance and you’re not allowed to share any behind the scenes footage whatsoever until the campaign is out there, and sometimes you’re not allowed to share anything at all.
Being in the ‘kids division’ has been difficult because I look so much older than 15, and recently my height has gone against me. I was cast in a sports brand commercial but was too tall to fit in their junior clothing range. I was also a favourite for a car commercial where I’d be playing the younger version of a famous blade runner… the only problem was I’m almost a foot taller than the Paralympian is now, so no amount of camera trickery would make me look like the younger version of her. For this reason my agency have decided to move me from the ‘kids division’ into the ‘women’s division’ a year early.
This means I’ve had to update my portfolio from ‘kid-friendly’ to ‘female model’ to enable me to compete with the other women, and Paul Simmons, the incredible photographer from Happy Jack, took some absolutely epic photos of me this week.
Again, just having portfolio shoots is so much fun. It’s a great way to practice and I always make sure I ask the photographers how I can improve. Mostly it’s about your energy and confidence on the shoot. I’ve learned that you just have to own it. Believe in yourself and simply enjoy how cool it is to be a model.

Check out my agency page and book me.